Our Bodies Are Built For Movement

Movement of any kind, supports and enhances every system of our bodies on all levels, physically, mentally, spiritually, and emotionally. With daily movement, we have improved sleep, better moods, increased energy, cognitive function, strength, mobility, and so much more. Every bit of movement makes a difference. Every step we take matters. Every plank or push-up matters. Every hop, skip and jump matters.

Having a quantitative exercise time is wonderful. Adding mini movement moments throughout the day is an added bonus. If we can get outside in nature, breathing fresh air with sunlight, moonlight or starlight on our bodies, that’s the best possible scenario.

Our magnificent bodies want to be in partnership with us. They want to be supported and appreciated, not pushed or ignored. What movement makes your body hum or purr like a cat? Do more of that! For me, it has always been walking and yoga. What is it for you? Any form of movement matters. Just get moving! Your body will thank you.




Angels Are Real