Honey Bees, Part 1

In the fifteen years that we have been living in Santa Barbara, I have thought many times about the benefit of having bee hives but never took action. Last week the bees did it for me, inviting themselves into the Magic Garden by swarming on a branch of a persimmon tree. When I connected with an amazing local bee rescue company, Super Bees, they assured me that the bees would fly off within three days. Well, one week later, the bees were determined to stay and launched me into the world of becoming a foster beekeeper with Super Bees. 

This video is of Nick, the bee whisperer, and his assistant, Brenda, while they gathered my juvenile girl bees into a swarm box. The hive will be checked, tended and returned next month. We located the perfect spot in the Magic Garden to install bee boxes, which Brenda will care for on a monthly basis. When Mother Nature gives us strong messages, it’s always a good idea to listen! May we all honor and bless the bee kingdom!


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